Mittwoch, 30. April 2014

In honor to Diren Dede

want to write something to honor my friend Diren Dede, who got shot Sunday morning, the 27th of April. 
He was an exchange student from Hamburg and lived in Montana. I think most of you already know what happened to him through the media or through other people, so I don't need to repeat this again and this post should be to honor him and talk about him and not about the terrible thing that has happened to him. 
Diren and I met in Hawaii and this beautiful island and sharing experiences about our exchange year with each other created a strong bound between us. We got so close in such a short time, and we got even closer after our Hawaii vacation. We talked for hours everyday. Diren was always here for me,when I needed someone to talk. Diren was this kind of guy you can tell everything and who always gives the best advices. It is really hard for me to look back through our conversations and listen to his voice messages and his videos. We often joked around and send us weird videos, for example how we sing around or even how I was brushing my teeth or when he was eating. We just always had so much to laugh about. Diren was one of the few great, selfless guys out there.. I don't think I know any person who is more selfless than he was.He always showed his respect to a woman, because he said a woman only deserves the best and that's what his culture and family thaught him. He grew up with two sisters and he always told us,he doesn't want that they get hurt, so he will always treat a girl like a princess.Diren also told me a lot about his family (he must have really loved them) and how he takes care about his little cousin..How he brings him to school or how his cousin sleeps over at his house. He said: "Ich liebe den kleinen über alles". He really wanted to become a father one day. Life is really not fair.He didn't deserve to die so young, he had his whole life in front of him. A couple days before his death he told me "Und wenn wir wieder in Deutschland sind, fängt der Ernst des Lebens erst an ... Studium, Arbeit, Ehe, Kinder " ( " when we are in Germany life is about to get serious ..  College, job, marriage, kids"). This is really not fair and I always ask myself "why him, why him , such an amazing guy" I always enjoyed listening to his stories about his family because you could hear the love for his family out of his voice.He always called me Barbie because of my blond hair and I was always complaining about it, but now I just miss it so much and would give everything to hear "Hey my Barbie" from him again. We had so much in common .. We almost every day found something we both had in common and than there was this funny moment when either him or me said something and than the other one replied "Oh my gosh me too" or "yeah I really want to do that too". It started with that we both wanted to travel to the same counties after our graduation and spend some time there ( Brazil was one of our top favorites ). We both wanted to study the same, we both wanted to adopt kids, we both had the same conception about life and and and ... We always joked around and said " hey, we should marry each other".I really wish you would have had the chance to find your perfect woman, Diren and have lots of kids with her, how you wanted it. I'm pretty sure this woman would have had a great husband.
I also have to name Selin in here. She was his best friend and he loved her so much, he always called her angel and I also pray for her that God gives her the power to get through this suffering. I also think a lot about her these days .. 
I also pray for his family, it must be so hard for them to loose a son, a brother, a cousin, a grandsonq .. I can't even imagine what they must be going through right now .. I keep them in my thoughts and pray to God to give them a lot of power and support them. It must also be such a tragedy for his hostparents, they lost someone important too.And I wish everyone, who lost someone in Diren and grieves, a lot of strength to get through this suffering. 
We will all keep you, Diren,in our hearts and minds forever! I hope heaven is a better place, than this earth is,and how Leo said "heaven gained a true angel" and I know you'll be always here for us and take care about us. I know you can hear us and I know you will answer us.
We love you Diren! ❤️
huzur içinde yat

One time he wrote us this poem: 
"I don't know where life is gonna take me but I will never travel alone as long as I have my friends. You're always affected by your first love it's something what stays with you for the rest of the life or just leaves something behind like a hoodie or a habit. But if you fall in love with the ocean, the sand, the smell, the stormy path and your pumping heart as you fall over your heels to walk across the beach to catch the beautiful sunset on the horizon of the ocean with your friends together .. Then you're gone.. Gone in your own world, the world of love without any problems. Gone .. [.. But never forgotten]
  -Diren Dede

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hey Jule, it was a very nice gesture, a very nice text a real honor for Didi!!
    It's hard to grasp that all those plans for your future just evaporated. Just vanished in the air.
    I feel similar I guess and I hope for everybody strength to cope with the situation!

  2. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.
